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New Leaf Observer

A scoopful of passion!

Updated: Aug 13, 2021

Imagine a blend pineapple, papaya, mango, musk melon and lime, with a heady fruity-floral aroma added in... that how Passion Fruit would taste. Golden pulp peppered with soft edible seeds, encased in soft thick yellow skin, this fruit has a unique taste and punch. And wow, what a burst of flavours!

Each fruit weighs only between 50 to 80 grams but the nutrients it is packed with makes every drop precious indeed! With 30% Vitamin C content, that's just what one needs to keep immunity levels top notch. Plus, it's naturally enriched with Vitamin A, iron, pottassium, antioxidants and micronutrients.

Also known as Krishna Phal in India, this exotic fruit born is out of the most exquisite flower, the Krishna Kamal.

Hindu mythology likens its 100 odd filaments to the Kauravas, the 5 petals to the Pandavas. The colourful radial is equated to Lord Krishna's Sudarshan Chakra. It is an interesting notion for sure, as interesting as the flower itself!

It grows on a wine and prefers tropical climate the most.

So, how is Passion fruit consumed? Most commonly as a cooler and thirst quencher, much like fresh lime water. Its sour tastes makes it ideal to mix with water salt and sugar, The crunchy seeds add even more character to this Passion Fruit cooler.

For the innovators amongst us, you may find it an exciting fruit for jams and chutneys. One more possibility is a pickle that includes the fruit rind as well! If you have tried out something else, do tell us.

To taste this exotic fruit that grows on our organic farm, get in touch with us on 99230 64949.

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